Thursday 26 April 2012


Hello Everyone,

As promised here is the link for Benettonplay! flipbook.  I know that you have all really enjoyed creating your own animations, so now you can practice at home.  Your homework is to create a bouncing ball animation just like in class.  You can show your final product to a family member or friend.

May Reading List

April has flown by!!  This month as part of our social studies curriculum we will be talking about what it means to be a good friend.  Here is a list of some books you can read at home with your family on what it means to be a good friend.

Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel

The Sandwich Swap by Her Majesty Queen Rania

All Kinds of Friends, Even Green! by Ellen B. Senisi

A Rainbow of Friends by P.K. Hallinan

How to Be a Friend: A Guide to Making Friends and Keeping Them by Laurie Krasny Brown

Gigi and Lulu's Gigantic Fight by Pamela Edwards

Being Friends by Karen Beaumont

Today's Story

In class today we read Noni Says No by Heather Hartt-Sussman. You all did such a great job discussing the main idea of the story. Remember boys and girls just like Noni, you have the right to stand up for yourself and say no when you are uncomfortable.

Keep up the good work!

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Eating Well

In preparation for our KidsHelpPhone fundraiser walk on May 6th, we have begun to talk about eating healthier foods to fuel our bodies. You all did an excellent job at "nutrition bingo" today and I am so impressed by all your healthy food suggestions. Don't forget that a balanced diet includes all of Canada's Food Guides four food groups. I have attached a grocery scavenger hunt for you to take with you next time you go grocery shopping with your parents, try to find all of the foods! You can also play this game and help Sophia and Billy get ready for their big race day by eating the right foods. Another cool website helps you to make your own nutritious smoothie and you can print out the recipe when you’re done.  Here is another link that has some great ideas for healthy lunches.

Enjoy and keep up the great work!

Time Flies

Hi Everyone!

I am so impressed with all of you! You did such a great job in class today learning how to tell time on the analogue clock.

Remember that when the minute hand is on the 12, that means the start of a new hour and the time ends in o'clock.  When the minute hand is on the 6, that means 30 minutes. If you get stuck you can always do your ticker counting.

You can practice telling time on the hour here and on the half-hour here.

See you all tomorrow and keep up the good work.

Ms. Miller

Sunday 22 April 2012

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

Did you know that over 100 different countries come together to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd?  It is the most celebrate environmental event worldwide. Wow! Today I want you to all try and get outside and spend some time enjoying our beautiful planet.  You could go for a walk, pick up some litter in your neighbourhood, plant something or even make your own bird feeder.  You can also spend some time in side learning about other ways you can help the planet.  You could put together a recycling puzzle or help clean up the beach with this game.  Tomorrow we will share with each other all the things we did to celebrate Earth Day.

See you all tomorrow!

Sunday 15 April 2012

April Update

Spring has sprung and we are beginning to see lots of signs of spring all around us! April is also earth month, a reminder that earth day is April 22nd. We will be learning all about ways we can help the earth. An excellent website you can check out to learn all about the environment and how you can help is Ecokids.  I have also attached a great Earth day related video. Enjoy!

Scientist in the Classroom

Hello Engineers!

I hope you all enjoyed Scientist Jane’s visit to our classroom and learning all about structures.  It was so much fun learning all about contain, span and support structures and their everyday jobs.  I have attached a picture to this blog. See if you can spot one of each of these structures in it.
Remember there are structures all around us everyday and they all have different purposes.

See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Practice Your Shapes!

Hello Grade 1's!

Today we began our two-dimensional shapes unit.  Don't forget
2-D shapes are:

-are flat and can only be drawn on paper

-have two dimensions- lenght and shape
-are sometimes called plane shapes   

As promised here are some links so that you may continue to practice at home.  2-D Shape Identifier and 2-D Shape Patterning

Keep up the great work and see you all tomorrow!

Monday 20 February 2012

Welcome Students!

Welcome grade 1 students and parents to Ms. Millers' online blog. I will be updating this blog throughout the year with important announcements, classroom information, dates, assignments and some fun educational links!

I look forward to meeting all of you in September and to a wonderful school year!

Ms. Miller